Sunday 2 May 2010

My darling bud of May...

May is here! The best month of the year.

We've had a very busy week, Trevor is 'no longer a man' after his visit to the vets, he returned feeling very sorry for himself, I could tell by the look in his eyes.

It's Archie's birthday today and we've had a lovely day - I still can't believe he's 1, the last year seems to have flown, and I've realised my baby is a baby no longer, my 7 week old neice was very cuddly today, made me feel very broody, although there's no chance of any more (Dean is 'no longer a man'). The picture above from L to R, my nephew Joshua (my bros little boy), my neice Emily, who's holding Maisie (Deans sisters children), then there's my two, Grace and Archie!

Archie got some very lovely presents :) and clothes, that we can take on our holiday!!

Dean has been very funny this week - he announced the other day ' Do we have the same pulse throughout our body'...

The children have been as entertaining as ever - Archie still very happy, Grace getting rather bossy at the moment, if I sing she tells me to stop, I swear I'm a good singer.

I've decorated at the top of the stairs, it looks lovely, Cath Kidston wallpaper (Love her!) - Just decided on Tuesday that neither of us really liked the paper we had, especially Dean, so within two days, paper had been ordered online and delivered and I'd stripped the wallpaper and put up the new, with help from Grace, although to be honest she was more of a hindrence.

Trevor would love it upstairs, I've painted the skirting boards and the doors in white... not sure if he's keen on eggshell though.

Anyroad, I'm off, to drink wine and Thomas the Tank Engine birthday cake :)

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