Sunday 16 May 2010

Fun in the forest...

We're back. I'm a year older, well, not a year only a couple of weeks but I'm now 27 and to me, that's old.... It means I have to act responsibly and can no longer use my age as an excuse.

Whinfell forest is a wonderful place, took us the best part of 3 hours to get there! Maude, the Sav Nat (that's what she's been named) is, an idiot, in actual fact I'm starting to detest her, she avoids motorways at all costs, on our return journey, instead of going down the M6, she took us to Hawes, near the Wensleydale cheese factory - driving on country lanes through the Yorkshire Dales National park for approx 2 hours, we made a left turn, upon which Maude announced we were on this twisting country lane for the next 26 miles... I hate you Maude!!!

Anyway, we did make it home, all feeling sick.

The Forest was fantastic, utterly magical, I forgot my good camera though (gutted) - so I can't show you! - The children loved it, the fresh air, animals running around, little robins singing in the garden, felt like I was in a disney film... We all miss our holiday house, we had so much fun, just wish I was still there.

Dean quote of the year - Upon spying a pheasant on the roof of a lodge we both agreed that we'd never seen one flying, conversation as follows;

D - I didn't know they could fly..
E - Yes, they must be able to, I'm sure penguins are the only birds that can't fly.
D - Penguins.......penguins CAN fly.

E - They can't, I'm sure.
D - Then how do they get on roof tops?
E - Penguins?
D - Oh, no, sorry, I was thinking of pigeons.

Grace and I have spent today doing nothing, other than painting. We've bought Uncle Ross a bird house for his garden (for his birthday, I'm a twin) and Grace has been painting it, although she mixed all the colours together and it's now a mucky purple-ish colour!

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