Thursday 16 June 2011

'The happiest place on earth'......Disneyland Paris

Whoa! So it's been 2 months since I last made a comment - I am indeed bad .

We've been so busy, had the most amazing time in Paris, though it confirmed for me that I really do not like flying, but Disneyland is an other world, the little people absolutely loved it and I'd never seen them as excited for anything before, especially Grace, all Archie wanted to do was meet Jessie (from Toy Story) - We spent the first few days in very hot weather, eating lots of ice cream and generally getting messy.
The rides were amazing, Grace and Archie both loving a ride they called 'the little people ride'.

We've booked a camping trip in September so I'm looking forward to getting my camera out for the sequel to 'The Becks in Disneyland' album, being 'The Becks go Camping' Should be great fun, we're also planning a day at Flamingoland and the Zoo on our way back home.
I've been busy every weekend taking photographs :) - I've taken some of my nephew that I absolutely love and lots more of other little people (which you'll see here)...

It's father's Day on Sunday and so Grace and I are planning on some bun making this afternoon... :)

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