Saturday 19 June 2010

A little bit of peace and quiet

I've lost my voice - When I do attempt to talk I sound like something of Jurassic Park, my throat has been bad all week and I've not been very well really. Either way, the world carries on and I'm trying not to let it bother me. What does annoy me though is Dean keeps shouting from the other side of the house, and I can't shout back!

The World Cup is on, and I've been left numerous time on an evening sat by myself watching Gok whilst Dean's in the kitchen or bedroom watching the football.

Mum asked Grace the other day if she liked football, she replied, 'No, Daddy likes football', Mum then asked her what Mummy likes... I became anxious, she replied 'Mummy likes Gee', she means Glee, and she's right, I do.

I've been busy taking photographs and getting myself rather booked up for the next month or so - Have bought some hats from Merry Berry to use as props, they are lovely.

We're having a family day tomorrow and I cant wait!

Oh Archie can nearly walk! That's when the fun begins!

Number of football matches watched = 2

Haircuts = 1

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