Sunday 6 June 2010

Cheesecake, Cameras, Creative-ness and Camels, yes, Camels.

What a week! - I feel like I've not stopped, and, I've loved that.

We went to Knowsley safari Park on Sunday and we had a fabulous time, Grace absolutely LOVED it and has been telling us how the monkeys jumped on our car, she forgets we were there... Archie looked slightly confused, moreso when we nearly ran over a camel. We had a fun day though! Who ever knew Meercats were so small, not me.

I've been baking cheesecake with Grace, she had the tantrums behind me whilst I did everything else, she wanted to play with eggs... Now, I'm not strict but even I could see it wasn't a good combination, cheesecake was medium, so a few days later I made another... Mmm I'm not one to like defeat!

I've been feeling very creative again and made my lovely friend a canvass, for her new home, I'm going to make one for our house too just not sure on the lettering. Whilst I made the canvass Grace was painting, in the end i'd taken that long she'd resorted to painting her hands, arms and face, even her mouth, not inside luckily...

Had a lovely day yesterday with family, taking photos of both my neice (shown above, Emily & Maisie), going to get snap happy again tonight with Grace and Archie...

I really feel like fish and chips this afternoon, I have no idea why, then a cup of tea (TEA!? I'm an avid coffee drinker) maybe a nap... oh no, Is this what old people do? There's no hope.

Trevor has had his weekly bath, I put Johnsons baby conditioner on him, he said he likes the smell you see, and he certainly does smell lovely now!

Off for Fish and Nips, maybe scrappy scraps.

Number of cheesecake slices consumed = 5, oh dear!

Tantrums = 3 (getting better)

Early morning wake up calls from Grace = 4 (this is because the birds sing outside our windows, why do they do this, what's so cheerful about 4am!!)

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