Thursday 11 November 2010

Rain is grace; rain is the sky condescending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life - John Updike

It's not April, yet I haven't seen this much rain in a long while, I don't like rain, not one bit. The riverbanks have flooded, mud gets everywhere, but more importantly, Grace's pink boots will get wet.

It's been a week where we haven't ventured outside much, the weather has been awful, I've been subjected to repeats of Postman Pat! arrrggghhh. So decided the other day that Grace and I would decorate the bathroom, why not? Grace chose the colour, surprisingly, shocking pink. I asked what she thought Daddy would say when he saw it, she said she thought he'd smile. He didn't. He didn't mind it after a while though.

I took photographs of the adorable Alfie and Woody last weekend, Alfie a little gem, who decided to call me Henry! (photos attached).

We've had a lovely Hallowe'en and bonfire night - We've still got some sweets left, although they're being attacked daily by Grace! Archie isn't too keen on fireworks this year! :( Grace likes them :)

Archie has started to speak better, lots of new words, his favourite being Mammy (Mummy) and Dammy (Dummy), he can count to ten too, although he misses number 9.

Christmas presents bought - 12

Days till Christmas 45 (I think) - I can't WAIT!!!

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