Thursday 6 January 2011

“The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul” - G.K Chesterton

It's 2011! Happy New Year - We've had an absolutely delightful Christmas, and New Year albeit with the compulsary arguments and tantrums, usually by myself when playing 'Family Fortunes', re named by my family as 'Family Feuds', I don't like to lose... and I'd also like a word with the 100 people surveyed for some ridiculous answers *shakes head*
Christmas Day morning, was, well, one I dreamt about - My little family sat by the tree opening presents, the look on the little people's faces was tear inducing - Soon ruined when Grace demanded more presents....and Archie wanting to go back to bed.

So it's a new year and we're off to Center Parcs, Sherwood Forest this time, I can't wait, it's been lovely having something to look forward to after Christmas, when I usually get post Christmas blues - I'm especially looking forward to being in the woods, with all the animals and having Starbucks Coffee first thing... Mmmm

(Just read this bit back and it sounds as though I go to Starbucks with the animals, I don't

I've had a break from photographs and start again Saturday 21st which I'm very much looking forward to.
The pictures you see here are from a shoot I did before Christmas, a very cold afternoon in Saltaire which has so much more than I realised and a lovely location at Roberts Park.

So, that's me for now - I'll be back very soon with details of our break in the forest, you're excited aren't you? Well, you should be.

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