Monday, 6 December 2010

'Before you love, learn to run through the snow leaving no footprint'

It's December - By far the best month of the year, maybe May as an exception. Our Christmas tree has been up since the end of November, I know, I know.... Shameful - It does look lovely though!
One thing I'm not liking is Archie's constant re decorating of it, removing baubles and placing them in various spots around the house.

We've had snow! - Lot's of it, and it's very, very cold outside - It's like a different world, like Narnia, but with no Aslan.

We're all very much looking forward to Christmas, Grace is especially excited, chocolate advent calendars went down a treat too!

I've not updated my blog for a while but here's a selection of my recent photos from mainly November and some snowy ones!