Thursday 23 September 2010

Autumn Leaves...

Hello! - Firstly, have a look at the You Tube link below, it's one of my favourite songs, a bit.......well, a lot sad, not one to listen to if you're in a good mood, it may just ruin it for you, but I like it!

Autumn is well and truly here, it's the best month of the year, (so I've been told) ;) - we've even brought our woollen hats out on a few occasions, I'm waking in the middle of the night, to find it's not the middle of the night which is very odd, it just suddenly happened!
Grace and Archie are just lovely, Grace, becoming more and more independent by the day, we have proper conversations now. Archie, has become my shadow, wherever Mummy goes, he's very near by!

I've been taking photographs again, and am booked now till the beginning of December! - I'm planning on keeping a weekend free to take some of my children, I'm thinking lots of leaves, woolly hats and rosy cheeks!
Here are some photographs of our friends latest addition, another little Archie, born September 1st, a very beautiful baby boy.

Dean turned 30 on Tuesday, and my brother two days previous... I'm not sure either of them is too happy about it, although it's one of those things you can't prevent, when I'm in my thirties I'll just do what my Mum did, I plan on being 34 for at least 3 years.

So that's about it, for now at least!

Toilet training accidents = 3 (this is Grace, not Dean)

Minutes listening to Fairytale of New York wishing it were Christmas = 36

New outfits for nights out = 2!

Paolo Nutini Autumn

Friday 3 September 2010

'Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile'

It is officially Autumn, I like Autumn, I like the sound of leaves being crushed underfoot, I like the chill of the morning air and the darkness of early evening, for around the corner awaits Hallowe'en, Bonfire Night and Christmas!!! - and I, I love Christmas.

I've been busy on photoshoots again, Lara - A beautiful young girl - Aireville Park, Skipton the location - Sunday morning arrived and I became worried we may have rain, however, it turned into a glorious afternoon and we managed to get some really lovely photographs.
Bank Holiday was glorious too and we had a very lovely weekend.
I'm photographing two shoots tomorrow and looking forward to it!